Wednesday, 12 August 2015

I CAN SEE!-By Lydia Ireri

I can see the new Era beckoning
I can see Africa our mother shining
I can see the dawn riding on a white horse
Just like a mother in labor pains sees the child coming
I can see!

I can see the new Era in Africa birthed
The Era of no Shame
The Era that liquidates poverty
The Era that overtakes Terrorism
The Era that castrates social class- conflicts
The Era that swallows Corruption
The Era that aborts Tribalism
The Era that kills Racism
The Era that exterminates non-patriotism
The Era that destroys Nepotism
I can see!

I can see the day coming
When Africa our mother
Will be transfigured
The day when Africa our mother will be changed to a Paradise
The day when all her children and neighbors shall live in the palace
Dreaming big
As one people
I can see!

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