Wednesday, 5 August 2015

GIVE ME A BREAK!-By Lydia Ireri

Why do you judge me?
Judge me by the colour of my skin
You say I am colourless
Neither white nor black
Yet I am from the same womb
Same parents with you

Did you choose to be a giraffe?
Did you choose to be a momo?
Give me a break brother!

I am your brother and sister
I am a child
Just like you
Born after nine months
Just like you

Look brother
Look sister
I can eat and play
Just like you
I can read and write
Just like you
I can love and marry
Just like you

Look I can lead the people
Look at Hon. Mwaura
My brother
Look at Njoki Ndungu
My sister
Are they not great leaders?

Tomorrow at the market place
Say hi
Tomorrow in the class
Believe in me
For I am with fully formed brain
Just like you!

Brothers and sisters
Stop that uncouth
Archaic mindset

My hidden parts
Cannot be a solution to your heartaches
Though the eyes of a witch doctors.

My people
My love
We are civilised!
Save me from these insecurities
Hardly can I walk alone for fear
Fear of being caged
And eventually bid the world bye
Amputated wildly

My people
My mother Africa
Save me from this uncivilised death
And if I must die
Let it not be like a wild pig
Let me nobly die
When my time is ripe
By the cloud’s clock

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