Friday, 27 February 2015


When I pose about you mama,
I cry to get back in your womb Ma,
Where air was fresh than in the mountains,
And meals more delicious than Gikwa,
Africa mama,
Never let me go.

In your womb ma,
I drunk from the ever-living streams,
Never did I lack dots to quench my mad thirst,
Africa mama,
Never let me go.

I recall a fatal earthquake when I was in your womb,
That brought fire to horn,head,limbs and the heart of Africa,
But a fluid that suspended and protected my fragile mass ma, didn't let go off me,
Africa mama,
Never let me go.

From your womb mama,
All of us have come from,
White, black, Asians ,coloured...,
Africa mama,
Never let us go.

You have taken us to sunday school and madarasa ma,
Taught us to live as a branch that bears fruits,
Sharing the little and masses that your pocket bears,
Africa mama, teach us to live in one pot ma,
And Never let us go.

Mama pray for us to love Unity, Peace and Harmony,
Mama, teach us to embrace our different and unique offsprings,
Ma, retrain us to love and appreciate our uncle's sons and daughters,
In the East, West, North and South of Africa,
For all of us ma, are engulfed in this,
Unmarried Universe.
The Earth.

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