Friday, 27 February 2015


When I pose about you mama,
I cry to get back in your womb Ma,
Where air was fresh than in the mountains,
And meals more delicious than Gikwa,
Africa mama,
Never let me go.

In your womb ma,
I drunk from the ever-living streams,
Never did I lack dots to quench my mad thirst,
Africa mama,
Never let me go.

I recall a fatal earthquake when I was in your womb,
That brought fire to horn,head,limbs and the heart of Africa,
But a fluid that suspended and protected my fragile mass ma, didn't let go off me,
Africa mama,
Never let me go.

From your womb mama,
All of us have come from,
White, black, Asians ,coloured...,
Africa mama,
Never let us go.

You have taken us to sunday school and madarasa ma,
Taught us to live as a branch that bears fruits,
Sharing the little and masses that your pocket bears,
Africa mama, teach us to live in one pot ma,
And Never let us go.

Mama pray for us to love Unity, Peace and Harmony,
Mama, teach us to embrace our different and unique offsprings,
Ma, retrain us to love and appreciate our uncle's sons and daughters,
In the East, West, North and South of Africa,
For all of us ma, are engulfed in this,
Unmarried Universe.
The Earth.

Saturday, 14 February 2015


                                                     Uhuru an incredible father to our kids,
                                                     The man I always dreamnt of growing up,
   Father to Jomo,Jaba and Ngina,
   My promising triplet I call them.
   Live long to see more Valentine days.

   I love his casual honey outlook,
  Which the designers can hardly afford,
  The son of Kenyatta my soul-mate,
  Is a hero to the family and the Nation,
  Live long to see more Valentine days.

Mama Ngina you are my Heroine I must confess,
For bringing forth this my Lord I say,
Who leads my family and us in snow,
Kamwana, Unye as they call him,
Live long to see more Valentine days.

Uhuru is sweeter than sugar-cane,
Harmless than I dove I believe,
Wiser than the serpent my love is,
Gigantic than Samson I know,
Live long to see more Valentine days my love.

The river has had many meanders for sure,
Kudos to the wise Kamwana,
Who allowed the sun retire not in sadness,
Proud am I of you my hubby,father and Hero.
Live long my soul-mate to experience many more Valentine days.

From Margeret Uhuru-The First Lady of The Republic of Kenya.

Friday, 13 February 2015


Allow passion blossom like roses,
Within and without thy Eden Pump,
Let the air above,below,beneath and around thee make merry,
As you breathe, the perfumes from the mountains,
For the day we named Valentine.

Rise up earlier than the birds melodies begin,
And watch the baby-sun birthed naked in the horizons,
Search for what maketh thine heart merry,
Teddy bears,Ice creams and chocolate if you do,
For this day named Valentine for us.

Offer a hug if you are hugged not,
Allow kisses of roses to flow your golden way I pray thee,
Make merry to and with thine heart and person  an Ocean,
Sit not until the dusk knocks,
Against this day named Valentine.

 keep passion, hugs and love alive,
Until the cattle retires on sheds.
Father in the clouds is watching...

Thursday, 12 February 2015


She says die never,
Though the heat boils her devil skin,
She prefers standing in death to life,
Her eyes are full of passion
Her body ever ready for planting,
Yielding both madams and princes,
This fair African woman,
My mother, my sister, my friend,
The African woman.
Culture she knows to preserve,
Her physic and stell is love,
These recures her heart.


Infinate scarlet of wreckful hate sparks from his eyes,
His ruinate flame in cans is burnt,
And a galaxy of lies,
Twire from his frank black heart,
Thorns to roses my love prefer,
Chasing the enlarged death than pain,
My face unfaired by his spike-like fingers a far,
My mind thralled that he is sane,
Thy fragrance is ill derosed,
Foison dumpsite his kisses are like,
Almost like Goliath the war he's lost,
Insulting ravens their appetite about to leak.
But my Lord's strength shield the people,
His gigantic stature maketh stable.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Does the shakesperean Engish show a red flag in our modern society?- By Lydia Ireri.

I am alarmed by a red flag on Shakespearean English both in written and spoken...Do you think this fitted the context them days and no longer useful to us or could it still be relevant to us today?

A NEW DAY-By Lydia Ireri.

This is a new day,
The dawn has come,
The sun is brighter,
Moon's light is no longer enough,
The stars have multiplied,
It is a dawn,
My heart whispers,
It is a white day!

The flowers have blossomed,
The stumps are sprouting again,
The grass is no snow a blink,
Because the fields are leafy,
Since it is a new day,
A dawn.

The page is new,
The chapter is clean,
The topic is no familiar,
Light is all over,
The horizons are scarlet,
The dark clouds have been swallowed,
It is a new beginning,
Let us call it Genesis.

Friday, 6 February 2015


we are going to do it. we are going to make it work. It is you and I.