Friday, 30 October 2015

I THRIVE- By Lydia Ireri.

I want to save you sweat,
Rescue your soul from the burning coal,
Can I tell you about me a blink?
So that tonight you may dream,
Of the light you have tried to cover in me.

It might upset you to know,
I thrive in hard times,
My light shines most in dark hours,
But this,
Will save you from sleepless and dreamless nights,
That are your tick.

It might devastate you to know,
My banks overflows in drought,
And I harvest during famine,
You know what?
My orchard calls all,
When the wells are long dry.

It might agitate you to know,
I shake my hips like I mean it,
When everyone holds their limbs in cold,
Simply because I am an empress.

It might fail your grands and emotions to know,
My wells becomes yummy and spicy,
When it is swampy,
Just for you to know.

Does my beauty make you frown,
Do you still get jealous of my portable size?
I grow slender and tender daily,
Just for you to know.

Can I tell you a secret about me?
I thrive and succeed in dark moments,
Anything you can do about that?
So, spare your heart a fail,
Stop exposing my rainbows,
'cause just like a young butterfly,
My soul and body beauties are naked,
Safe in nature,
Just for you to know.

This might wake you up from your slumber,
When I let you know,
The stones you throw at me,
I have learnt the art of making them a foundation,
That raises me up to a higher ground!

Friday, 23 October 2015


The dates were full of life
When we met our loved ones
In the valley side, mountains, by the riverside
Most beautifully sitting under a coconut tree in the middle of the night.

I remember watching every move made by every star
Vividly I can still see
The domestics
Pleading with hedges
For freedom
And enjoy the night jumping like a cow on heat
I remember listening to every move made waters
Quite flow of waters down the streams
The wind running past our ears
Whispering love peace and unity
The meaningful dates
That went down the drains

Our hands would lock in warmth
Our breath would keep other's warm
Till the crack of dawn
When birds would conclude the dates with melodies

Where are letter writing days?
Since whatssup has killed our warmth
Where are the letter writing days?
When dates where not blind